BGK Academy 1to1 Voucher
BGK Academy 1to1 Voucher


BGK Academy 1to1 Voucher


100% Satisfaction Guarntee

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Trusted by GK's Worldwide

Not sure what to get your goalie mad son or daughter this Christmas? Why not get them a voucher to come along to our amazing BGK Academy for some 1to1 sessions. Our 1 to 1 sessions are without a doubt the most valuable hour of work you’ll put in all week! We adapt and alter each session based upon the GK’s level of development and personal objectives. 1 to 1’s allow us time to fully teach correct technique and iron out any weaknesses that you may have so as over time, you can become a confident shot-stopper. We provide 1 to 1’s with GK’s ranging from as young as 7 all the way to 60 year old Walking Football GK’s. It's the perfect gift this Christmas to surprise someone with top quality coaching! 

You can choose between a single session and a block of 5. We look forward to having you and helping you become #1. After purchase we will email you directly after order confirmation to arrange dates and times. If you are unsure don't worry! You can save this voucher until you are ready to use it. If you wish to get a printable gift card to put in a present just ask!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
1/1 hr of fun goalkeeping

My teenagers favourite hour of his week is getting a 1/1 with BGK . Fun goalkeeping where you are pushed that extra mile.


What's that?

Making Saves on the pitch now saves you money off it! Our new rewards system BGK SAVES helps our loyal customers reedem discounts on there orders, by earning points for every £1 spent. To find out more click Rewards. In the bottom left of your screen.

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